LOYALTY CU - Community Focused
Schedule a financial education session for your community!
LOYALTY Credit Union Community Education
We provide so much more than financial services — we're also your resource for trusted information!
As a member, you have access to free, one-on-one financial counseling and a free credit analysis from any one of our Certified Financial Counselors. All you have to do is stop by any one of our offices or give us a call to schedule an appointment.
In addition, we offer a variety of financial education seminars. Topic include credit, debt, money management, money concepts, identity theft, homebuying and more. These seminars can be conducted at your work, church, association meeting, or any other community event!
To schedule a financial education session for your next staff meeting or other group gatherings, email loyalty@loyaltycu.org.
Savings Accounts
Saving up for that summer vacation? Need an account to make deposits in preparation for your annual property taxes?